Journalists: for the glory or the money?
The adventure began in July 2022, in Ouagadougou. Journalists from Burkina Faso, researchers from Burkina Faso, the UK, Belgium and Switzerland met at Studio Yafa.
The goal? To produce a series of podcasts on the profession of journalism in Burkina Faso, using each other's knowledge, for the benefit of Burkinabès, but also researchers and media assistance organisations.
The first episode is entitled "Journalists: for the glory or the money"? Behind this light-hearted title lies an important subject: the place of the journalist in Burkina Faso, in the security, political and social context that characterises it today. Journalists and researchers have explored the subject with their colleagues - women and men - with defence and security forces, with listeners, with political actors, amongst many others. The narrative that highlights these different perspectives draws on years of research on the subject by the researchers involved in the project as well as numerous academic sources.
Listen to us, respond, and help us build bridges between research and those working in the field.